More on the Federal Vision/New Perspectives on Paul

Most of my time in the mountains were spent nose deep in studying the issues of the Federal Vision and the New Perspectives on Paul. I feel as if I have a much greater understanding on these issues and how they relate to each other and how they relate to our dear Presbyterian Church.

I’d like to recommend some resources on this important issue. The first the PCA’s Ad Interim Study Committee report on the FV, NPP, and AAT (Auburn Avenue Theologies).

I’ve been most encouraged by this report. I had feared that the PCA either didn’t have a grip on the situation or they were keeping quite and hoping it would go away. Never the less, the report showed that the leadership in the PCA is fully aware AND has a strong grasp on this issue. You can read the report here.

The second source I’d like to recommend is the book entitled “Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul” by Guy Prentiss Waters, (link) published by P&R Publishing. The first part of the book is a historical study on the NPP. The second part of the book is a critique of the NPP. I found this part particularly helpful in that it lays out the major issues in the NPP and the stark differences in the NPP and orthodox covenant theology. It gets to the heart of the issue and because the author takes his time in giving the historical background on the NPP, his arguments in the second part are both validated and convincing. The third part of the book discusses what’s at stake for Reformed Christianity. This is where the author touches on AAT and the FV. The author takes the time to discuss these movements inside Presbyterianism and shows why it’s important for us to be well read and prepared for this debate. I was particularly glad for this section. The Presbyterians have always risen to the challenges to orthodoxy be it Rome, modernism/liberalism, post-modernism, and we must be ready to take up arms again to preserve the Church once more. As the author reminds us, all of Christianity is on the road to one of two cities. Rome or Geneva.

Off for the Mountain…

I’ll be leaving Friday for a week long expedition into the mountains of Northern Pennsylvania. It’ll be a week of flyfishing, resting and reading. I’ll be taking along several works including “The Death of Death” by John Owen, a collection of Abraham Kuyper’s works, Michael Horton’s “Putting the Amazing back in Grace” to reconnect with what made me so passionate about Calvinism, a collection of essays concerning the New Perspective on Paul published by P&R Publishing and like, a Harry Potter book for fun.

Needless to say, I should return in a week with a head full of information and a renewed spirit so get ready for some exciting postings coming up!

Have a good week!