Logistical Grace

I have a real problem with what some in the Reformed camp call “Logistical Grace”. You know, that special kind of grace that God shows us where all the logistics of life come together so that things work out the way they should? Its not that I don’t believe in logistical grace. Its that I don’t have much faith in it. For example, our bass player’s wife is VERY pregnant. Now, her due date was yesterday. We have a show Jan. 24th. I was very cautious to book a show so close to her due date but they assured me that a show as late as the 24th would be okay. Well, here we are with no baby yet and like, 3 practices to go before the show, which seem to keep getting cancelled because of doctor’s appointments and stuff for our bass player’s wife. So here I am stressing out over all of this. Will the pieces fall into place? The show is at the only large music venue in Lancaster County. If we cancel, what will happen to our reputation at the club? Tickets have been sold. Flyers have been hung. The show must go on.

Why is it I can trust the Lord with my eternal soul but I can’t trust him to work out a few scheduling conflicts?