
I’ve become vaguely familiar with the happenings in Lakeland Fl and one Todd Bently. For those completely unaware of such happenings, another great revival has sprung up in the Southlands of our fair country. The usual signs accompany this outbreak. Great movements of the Spirit have led many to bark like dogs, laugh uncontrollably, see angels walking around, and massive slayings of the Holy Spirit. The major claim to this particular revival is massive healings.

I don’t want to mock true workings of the Spirit, but this all seems most suspicious to me (as do most modern Pentecostal “revivals”). Several major elements see out of place.

First off, order and structure. We know our worship is to be orderly. We know our God is not a god of chaos. Yet we have these massive “services” of disorder. I’ve read the Bible and to quote Carl from Slingblade, “I reckon I don’t understand all of it but I understand a good bit of it” and I’ve never seen a single example of the movements of the Spirit leading to chaos. Even the day of Pentecost seems mild compared to what is going on in Lakeland. I don’t think I ever recollect a place in Scripture where the Holy Spirit caused uncontrollable laughter and I certainly never read any examples where worshipers are lead to bark like dogs or roar like lions. Of course this leads me to question the massive collapsing of people or as the Charismatics call it, “being slayed in the Spirit”. Again, no Biblical support for such actions. The only place I can think of in Scripture where people are slayed in the Spirit would be where the Spirit actually killed people (was it the story of the couple who sold all their belongings and claimed to be giving it all to the Church?). Certainly we see places in Scripture where people have fell prostate before God or have become prostate in the presence of God (mostly Old Testament examples), but never a massive collapsing of people. It all seems non orderly and chaotic.

My second observation is that the claims to healing have yet to be verified by anybody outside of the Lakeland church. As far as I know, no medical doctors have come forth and verified any of the healings that Bently and staff have claimed. When reading the gospel and seeing the healings that Christ and the Apostles have performed, there was never any question about such events. They had eye witnesses. Those witnesses not only included the disciples and families of those healed, but of every day bystanders that as far as we know had no connection w/ Christ’s ministry. They were also clear physical healings. Claims from Lakeland are usually unseen ailments like cancer. However, Christ’s healings were of things like paraplegia, blindness, regrowth and reattachments of body parts (I still find it amazing that Christ healed the ear of a Roman soldier). Some may say, “people will not verify the healings because they know it is evidence of Christ”. I say that I can not believe that there is not a single doctor, nurse, medical secretary, ect. in all of the Lakeland area that will not step forward and verify a healing claim.

Thirdly a true revival is based on the preaching of the Word of God and the massive repentance of people coming to Christ. This revival boasts of healings and it’s large crowds, but very little is said of massive conversions to Christ. Even less is said of the preaching of God’s word as being central to this revival. In studying America’s Great Awakening, it wasn’t outpourings of the Spirit that drew crowds. Rather it was the preaching of men like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield. Crowds gathered to hear the Word being preached. The preaching of the Word led to conviction which lead to countless numbers of people turning to Christ (a true outpouring of the Spirit indeed!) This movement also wasn’t confined to one area. Whitfield would travel up and down the East Coast drawing crowds wherever he preached. The preaching of the Word of God is central in all true revivals and has been since the days of the Apostles. The outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost was remarkable. However, the gift of tongues received on that day had evangelical purposes. It allowed the Apostles to preach the Word in the native tongues of many that day so that they could hear the good news of Christ and repent.

We are told to test the spirits. What test is given to us if not the Word of God? Whenever I see movements like Lakeland, I thank God first because I know that despite the works of men, God will use all things to accomplish His will. However I then start to ask serious questions and start to test the spirits to see if such movements fall in line with what the Bible and history tells us a revival should and will look like.

Warning! In Case of Rapture…I will have to rethink my Escatology!

You know, I really hate to keep picking on our Dispensationalist brethren. I really do. The problem is, they keep supplying me with ammo!

Check this out!
The story says this website will send an email out to your loved ones who have been left behind 6 days after the Rapture occurs. Now, I wondered how the computer will know the rapture happens. Here’s what the article says:
“Final e-mails from vanished subscribers will be triggered when three of the site’s five Christian staffers fail to log in for six days in a row.”

First off, if it’s 6 days after the Rapture, I’m sure anyone you’re sending an email to already has it figured out. Secondly, I hope that they don’t car pool to work. One car accident could whipe 3 of these guys out in one fell swoop! And of course we all know what would happen then…the Rapture! Or at least an email telling you that’s what happened.

PCA Takes Official Stanze of FV

The PCA’s general assembly is over for another year. A hot topic this year was of course the PCA’s study group on Auburn Avenue Theology, New Perspective on Paul and the Federal Vision. I shared with you all earlier the link to the group’s findings on the FV. The General Assembly voted to accept the findings of the study group. According to some inside sources, they debated for a number of hours on whether or not they should put off voting for another year, have another study group and include some FV guys in the group. RC Sproul who rarely attends the General Assembly and who even more rarely speaks at it from what I understand, stood up and said something along the lines of “We must take a stand now. This concerns justification and we must act.”

You can read the report from the vote here:,,PTID323422|CHID664014|CIID2339618,00.html

More on the Federal Vision/New Perspectives on Paul

Most of my time in the mountains were spent nose deep in studying the issues of the Federal Vision and the New Perspectives on Paul. I feel as if I have a much greater understanding on these issues and how they relate to each other and how they relate to our dear Presbyterian Church.

I’d like to recommend some resources on this important issue. The first the PCA’s Ad Interim Study Committee report on the FV, NPP, and AAT (Auburn Avenue Theologies).

I’ve been most encouraged by this report. I had feared that the PCA either didn’t have a grip on the situation or they were keeping quite and hoping it would go away. Never the less, the report showed that the leadership in the PCA is fully aware AND has a strong grasp on this issue. You can read the report here.

The second source I’d like to recommend is the book entitled “Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul” by Guy Prentiss Waters, (link) published by P&R Publishing. The first part of the book is a historical study on the NPP. The second part of the book is a critique of the NPP. I found this part particularly helpful in that it lays out the major issues in the NPP and the stark differences in the NPP and orthodox covenant theology. It gets to the heart of the issue and because the author takes his time in giving the historical background on the NPP, his arguments in the second part are both validated and convincing. The third part of the book discusses what’s at stake for Reformed Christianity. This is where the author touches on AAT and the FV. The author takes the time to discuss these movements inside Presbyterianism and shows why it’s important for us to be well read and prepared for this debate. I was particularly glad for this section. The Presbyterians have always risen to the challenges to orthodoxy be it Rome, modernism/liberalism, post-modernism, and we must be ready to take up arms again to preserve the Church once more. As the author reminds us, all of Christianity is on the road to one of two cities. Rome or Geneva.

Tragedy and Human Nature

I’ve been reflecting on the current events at VA Tech. Who hasn’t been really? The one thing I’ve really been paying attention to these past 24 or so hours has been our reaction as people to these events as they continue to unfold. I believe this event says loads about our human nature.

Of course the first reaction we all have is “I can’t believe it”. This really should be our first reaction. When faced with the vileness of the human condition, man’s depravity, we should be shocked. Man is an ugly creature tainted by sin, capable of horrible acts beyond imagination.

The thing about it is though, we all look at this event and others like it and say, “how could someone do something like this?”. We’d all like to think that we as “decent human beings” are above things like this. My Calvinism says otherwise though. What I really appreciate about Calvinism is the fact that it strips man of any redeeming value. Man and his selfishness is the cause of all that’s wrong in this world and every single one of us is to blame. Events like what happened at VA Tech are simply stark reminders of what we really are in our heart of hearts. I don’t mean to put myself up on a pedestal and say I don’t ask the same question whey tragedy strikes. Nor would I say such reactions are wrong. I think in my mind, “what kind of human being was this guy?” just like the rest of humanity. However, I have to stop and realize that the killer is exactly what all of us are. That young man who killed those people did something that every single one of us is capable of doing.

I know this isn’t something that we like to admit. It’s hard for me to write this and truly believe that I would be capable of such an act. I know it’s true though. So the question is then, why aren’t all of us doing things like this? What is it that stays our hand? What is it that gives us the moral fiber to not act out in violence towards our fellow mankind? What else but grace? Common grace is what has restrained man from destroying ourselves since the fall. Looking back over the course of human history it’s obvious that man should no longer be inhabiting this planet. I’d even say it’s a miracle that this planet is still in one piece. What else other than the restraint of the Holy Spirit, the love that God has for His creation, the grace that allows it to rain on the wicked as well as the righteous, has stayed the hand of man from completely destroying himself? Grace is a force in this world far more powerful than any nuclear weapon or the highest caliber rifle. If God were to remove His hand from this world, were to stop pouring His grace on us all, I’m convinced all of us could and would act out in violent ways that would make the events of yesterday look like a schoolyard scrap.

Events like this are a constant reminder to us all of what a damn mess we’re in as humans dead to sin. It’s also a reminder of a merciful God who shows His creation grace beyond belief. Grace is what stays our hand and keeps events like this few and far between…and it is Grace which will comfort the victims and offer healing for those who seek shelter in the sanctuary of our Lord.

We ask our Lord for peace now for the survivors of yesterday’s events, and for healing for the family and friends of those who are no longer with us.

What about the Church in Palestine?

A question I want to pose to our Dispensational friends.

How does your support and literal interpretation of Israel effect the Church of Christ living in the land of Palestine? Do you recognize that the Church is growing and thriving in Palestine? What of institutions like Bethlehem Bible Institute who would constantly have their power shut off or their sewage systems disconnected by the state of Israel?

I guess my point is, what do you do with the predicament of supporting Israel when Israel is persecuting the Church of Christ? Does your hermaneutical system really ask you to support the physical people of God(Israel) if it means squashing the spiritual people of God(the Church, according to Dispensational thought)?

This is something that’s been on my mind for a while. It is an honest question. One that I’d like a straight forward answer to if possible.

Christians in the Military

“There are those who think that these two things, faith in a sovereign, loving, all-powerful God and military service, are in some way mutually exclusive, or others who have never seriously considered their relationship or deeper implications. However, I would propose to you that these can not only be practiced together, but in a number of ways also support each other quite well…”

The above is an excerpt from an article written by the Right Reverend Bass’ son John just before he left for West Point. The complete article can be read here.

Papacy Goes to the Dogs!

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Apparently the Papacy is in the business of blessing your pets! Now, you’ve known about buying indulgences, worshiping relics, and paying to get your grandpa out of purgatory, but now…Fido can be blessed with Holy Water as well!

I love this stuff. I really do.

Baby Don’t Be Sad, ‘Cause 2 out of 3 Ain’t Bad.

So Pat Robertson, self proclaimed modern prophet and hearer of the voice of God, has made another amazing prediction! Apparently the US will be hit with a major terrorist attack in late 2007 causing the possible death of millions of people…wahhh wahhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Recent prophecies from our modern day Jeremiah include a prediction of a Bush LANDSLIDE in 2004 (51% of the vote is a landslide?), monstrous storms and a possible tsunami crashing into America’s coast in 2006 (wait…how many major hurricanes did we even have last year!?), and of course the classic “a comet will hit Disney World because they have Gay Day” prediction in the late 90’s.

Old Patsmear has this to say about his track record: “”I have a relatively good track record,” he said. “Sometimes I miss.”

The question Pat, is this. If you are hearing these things from God, is it YOU who are missing the mark? I mean, let’s put the blame where it belongs! Isn’t it GOD who would be missing the mark if these prophecies aren’t becoming fulfilled?

Master Theologian Jimmy Kimmel ran this amazing piece on the issue: clip